HALLO Yvonne Strüwing // OhneHeimatKeineReise

Yvi Strüwing reist seit 2012 regelmäßig alleine durch die Welt. Sie blickt hinter die Fassaden, nicht nur an den Orten, an denen sie ist, sondern auch bei den Menschen, die sie trifft. Sie liebt es nah dran und mittendrin zu sein. Hotels und jeglicher Luxus locken sie so gar nicht, denn das hält davon ab, das für sie echte Leben zu schmecken, zu fühlen, zu erleben.

Sie ißt und bewegt sich fort wie die meisten Menschen in den Ländern, die sie bereist. Es geht ihr dabei nicht darum, Geld zu sparen, es geht ihr darum, nah dran zu sein. Wenn widerum Geld gebraucht wird, weiß sie wo, denn Einheimische, in deren Homestays sie lebt, kommen auf sie zu und erzählen von ihren Projekten.

Kuba ist vom Tourismus weitestgehend unberührt gewesen als Yvi mit einer guten Freundin 2015 hinreiste. Sie schlief bei Einheimischen in sogenannten Casas Particulares, also vergleichbar mit Homestays in Nepal und Bali. Auf Kuba ist Konsum –  geschweige denn Luxus –  noch nicht angekommen. Stattdessen zeigten sich fast leere Supermärkte, tagelang auch mal kein Trinkwasser, aber volle Hotelbuffetts erfuhr Yvi. Das gibt zu Denken. 

Beim Travel Festival Leipzig erzählt Yvi mit OhneHeimatKeineReise von ihren Begegnungen, von der Stimmung in Ländern, vom Leben und möchte dazu motivieren, aus der eigenen „Reiseblase“ raus zu gehen, sich unter Locals zu mischen und ihnen zu lauschen. Sie haben viele Geschichten zu erzählen.

Yvi Strüwing mit OhneHeimatKeineReise
live on stage am 17.01.2020

video message
und mehr noch auf Facebook und Instragram


Draußen unter Leuten

Vom Flughafen zur Unterkunft, zur Tagestour, zum Restaurant, zur Autovermietung, zum nächsten Ort…

Viel erlebt, aber gar nicht so viel gespürt. Das kann passieren. Eine Reise mit allen Möglichkeiten kann eine regelrecht künstliche Welt schaffen. Fernab vom lokalen Miteinander. Die Aussage „Ich fühle mich wie ein Tourist“ schwingt in unseren Köpfen und das nicht immer mit einer positiven Bewertung.

Reisen verbindet. Echtes Reisen findet draußen unter Menschen statt, mit ihren Geschichten, ihren Kulturen, ihren Sitten und Bräuchen. Der Austausch mit „Locals“ kann inspirierend sein, bleibt in Erinnerung, erklärt uns ein Land, eine Gesellschaft. Und es kann neue Freundschaften bringen. Beim TFL20 sprechen wir, ganz konkret Yvi Strüwing mit OhneHeimatKeineReise, einen Appell an die Menschen auf unserer Reise aus mit dem Ziel: nicht verstecken, sondern neugierig bleiben!

HELLO Albrecht Ihlenburg

I am Albrecht Ihlenburg from Germany and I have been travelling for more than two years. During that journey it was not important how fast and where to go but instead I decided for different rules which guided my way from my hometown in Germany to Mexico: I wouldn’t want to spend money for transportation or accomodation.

That means I had to hitchhike, couchsurf, work for bed and board or camp. It was quite easy-going until I reached the Atlantic Ocean to cross the sea. Here the real adventure started.

In the end I learned how to slow down, be humble and patient to fulfill a dream I always had and to meet the most amazing characters throughout this journey.

After another two years living in Mexico I decided to go back home. In an interview on stage of the TFL20 I will talk about what made me go back and how I felt arriving in a place I know so well, called home.

Albrecht Ihlenburg
live on stage on the 18th of January 2020

video message
and more about him on Facebook.

HELLO Rory Macleod

Rory Macleod is a writer from California. In 2015, he was working as the head writer for Apple HR and living in San Francisco when he decided to quit his job, give up his apartment, and sell off all of his belongings to pursue his dream of bicycling across America.

His original goal was to just ride from Oregon to Maine, but after getting to the east coast he decided to keep going. Since then he has biked more than 55,000 kilometers through 35 U.S. states and 44 countries across North America, Europe, and Africa, and raised more than €40,000 for World Bicycle Relief, helping people in developing countries receive access to healthcare and education.

Now Rory lives on an island in Croatia, in the tiny village of Pučišća, where he is writing a book about his travels, learning the language, and discovering what life after a long journey looks like.

He did not return home and will tell you on the 18th of January 2020 why and how it is not to come home.

Rory Macleod
live on stage on the 18th of January 2020

video message
and more about him on YouTube

home – everywhere, but nowhere

Coming home after traveling, coming back after being abroad for some weeks…or for years, is a typical end of a journey. Or maybe not.

Especially for planning a BIG trip it is often the case that travelers give up everything. Their apartment, their job, their membership in certain clubs, everything. We heard them saying that it is to have a real „restart“ or to afford their trip better or to feel the next steps more intensively. No matter what. This decision is big.

And not many people think about the end while being in the middle of an adventure. And then the bombshell drops: the trip is over and we have to decide either going back to the life circumstances we had before or starting a completely different life. Continuing traveling or settling down somewhere transitionally. There are many answers on how it can be after the originally planned trip is over.

We want to hear more about coming home or not and we invited two travel enthusiasts – Rory Macleod and Albrecht Ihlenburg – who will tell us how it feels to stand right in front of the decision of what to do next, how it is to come home and how it is to decide to stay away, without beloved ones, without the „safety“ feeling at home. Welcome to TFL20, with a talk about homecoming on the 18th of January!

HELLO Annekatrin Els // Rugby Tackling Life

The fat one that can run. That is me. Though the story is not about me, but it is how it started for me. 10 years ago I moved to Uganda and met an incredible group of rugby playing women from Uganda and the US. Together we came up with the idea of Rugby Tackling Life; an organization that chose Rugby as its tool to empower girls and young women in Uganda.

A popular question in job interviews is: „Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?“ I will still be playing Rugby, I will still drink COOFFEEE every morning and gin tonic every other night, and I will spend at least 6 months in Uganda to ensure we keep moving and growing. In 10 years time, we will have 10,000 girls playing Rugby with us, we own our very own farm and a vocational training institute, our life skills education program will be booked out, we will own a coffee farm and will have hundreds of adventurers, rugby player and marathon runners come and visit and work with us in Uganda! How do we get there? Together with you. Because if you can travel, you help us grow…

Rugby Tackling Life
live on stage on the 18th of January 2020

video message
and more about the NGO on Facebook and Instagram.

a task — working with NGOs

We have some time off, we are looking for a change of scenery, we want new perspectives. And mostly we want to do something while being out of our daily life. Something with a meaning – small or big. A project. A task.

There are plenty of organizations and opportunities that open their home and their mission to share and to integrate. In our home country and abroad. And usually volunteers are most welcome to pitch in. Depending on the duration of time the task can reach from assisting to conceptional work.

Working with organizations, especially abroad, shouldn’t be about „white saviors“. It is not about rescuing. It should be about the interest in a field of working, in human beings, in cultures.

The winner of our TFL20 wild card is the NGO Rugby Tackling Life who will explain you how it is to work with NGOs, how a cooperation can develop, what kind of tasks can be expected.

HELLO Tony Giles // Tony the Traveller

I’m Tony Giles from the UK. A totally blind and partially deaf solo traveller who’s visited all 7 continents and over 123 countries, alone!

After meeting and loosing people, after some tough time episodes of doubting, drinking and mourning, I decided to move on. I studied together with students, most who were non-disabled. I backpacked independently, I did a year-long journey, I undertook my first solo hike, I crossed the Arctic Circle by boat…

I like to bungy jump, raft rivers, have adventures, share stories! I published two Ebooks about travelling blind!

And I love sausages!

We see each other at the Travel Festival Leipzig :*

Tony the Traveller
live on stage on the 18th of January 2020

more about him and his adventures on Facebook

barriers – it is all about the perspective

It is obvious: traveling can be exhausting, it needs effort, it is tiring sometimes. And now imagine how it is to have a problem while being abroad…having an accident on a trip and depending on support for example or carrying your very own, personal boundaries. Bad right?

Our problems feel like chick poop, if we look around. There are people with handicaps and they travel. They handle basic conditions for disabled people in certain countries, regions or cities. They improvise and stay focused on what they want: exploring foreign territories!

We invited Tony the traveller to the TFL20. He has visited all 7 continents and over 123 countries, alone. Basically he is a super traveller and he will tell you how it is to travel with handicaps and not being influenced, not being impressed by that.

HALLO Hannah Schlüter

Ich hatte schon immer ein Faible für Politik, alles ging los, als ich mit elf eine erfolgreiche Kinderpartei mit 25 Mitgliedern gründete. Nach dem Abi in Bonn wollte ich dann mehr über die Welt lernen und ich entschied mich für einen „weltwärts“-Freiwilligendienst in Togo. Die Frage danach – warum die Welt so unfair eingerichtet ist und es so viele Probleme gibt – hatte ich anschließend im Soziologie- und Philosophiestudium in Hamburg und dann im Master Gesellschaftstheorie in Jena vertieft.

Die Zustände so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind, kann ich immer noch nicht und engagiere mich mittlerweile hauptsächlich feministisch. Im Sommer hatte ich meine erste Webserie produziert, in der ich als „Wessi HennaFontana“ mit meinen „Ossi-Kollegen JoNasty“ Youtuberin wurde,  durch Sachsen, Brandenburg und Thüringen reiste und verschiedenste Menschen zur Wiedervereinigung und den Nachwendejahren interviewte.

Beim TFL20 beschäftigt sich Hannah Schlüter mit Sinnfragen des Reisens,  mit first world problems und dem Gleichgewicht zwischen Reisenden und den bereisten Ländern. Geht das überhaupt? Muss das sein? Und was wollen die meisten beim Reisen denn eigentlich?

Hannah Schlüter
live on stage am 18.01.2020

und mehr noch auf Facebook und YouTube.